(1) Flower craft for a friend's granny's 100th Birthday.
* red and green felt cloth (left overs from a Christmas craft I did last year)
* large ice-cream stick (we always have a pack of these in our art & craft drawers)
* small paper plate (always available in our art & craft drawers too)
* crayons or paints
(2) Flower in a pot for JJ's teachers on Teachers' Day
* same as the flower craft above, plus
* toilet roll
* small yoghurt plastic container
* coloured transparent sheets
Use a pen knife to make a slit on the toilet roll so as to insert the ice-cream stick.
Then place the toilet roll with the flower craft in the yoghurt container with coloured transparent paper.
(3) Binoculars - you can easily change the colour transparent sheets for different effects.
* toilet rolls
* piece of twain
* coloured transparent sheets
* 2 rubber bands
* 1 paper fastener
* paint
(4) Photo frame
* Ice-cream sticks
* plastic board or card board (we used left overs from a plastic board)
* jewel sticks (we have left overs from the mosaic art we did) or any other stickers for decoration
* glitter glue (JJ loves to squeeze these tubes and they do have nice effects)
* piece of twain (I found pieces of painted twains JJ used for painting some time back and they come in handy now :))